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DB Enterprises isn't for everybody...

You don’t HAVE to be a member of Mensa or some kind of hardware guru, but it helps. We demand a lot of each other at DB Enterprises, but we have loads fun on the way as well.

Oh yeah, and we have sushi for lunch on fridays, and key employees get stock options!

I'm listening Nope, this is not for me

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Are you ready to work in an innovative and inspiring company which breathes amibition? Send us a couple of lines and we’ll be in touch!

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Who we are

Design Build Enterprises. is a full-service construction contracting, construction management, advisory and project management firm focused on luxury residential and commercial real estate projects. We recommend, implement and oversee programs customized to the owner's vision, needs and goals. As a virtual extension of you, we provide technical expertise, counsel, personalized attention, and oversee all phases of the design and construction process for your project. With a five year professional architecture degree and LEED certification with a specialty in building design & construction, Mr. Kat acts as project director and primary liaison for all clientele related business pertinent to the project, while assembling a team of consultants including the architect, interior designer, sub-contractors and specialty consultants.

What we do

Design+Build was created after years of working with architects, engineers, development firms, builders and luxury retail companies. "I realized that the design and construction industries lacked a link between both disciplines as well as an understanding of the critical interdependence between each that is essentially non-existent on most project sites. Trained as an architect, I believe my company brings with it a certain intuition. This allows me to uphold the design intent while working thru the complexities of the installations of the various systems that more often then not continuously threaten the design intent altogether. I strongly believe that the protection of this design intent is the trait that distinguishes us."

What we believe in

We retain the intimacy of a family based business by employing the approach of team building. Over the years, our team has come to realize that our standards of detail and excellent finish are of the utmost importance. We treat each project as if it were our own...with respect and dignity. This time tested approach allows for complete control and development of the entire project and concurrently provides stability which fosters a partnership between the owner and our project team, guiding the process each step of the way. We have forged relationships with our suppliers and vendors allowing our company to acquire competitive pricing and luxury quality results. Our goal is to develop a long lasting relationship with each client. Ongoing service calls and follow up beyond the completion of every project attest to our dedication and commitment to our craft.

How to contact us

Office Locations
NJ: 225 Lockwood Road Ridgewood NJ 07450
NY: 103 Atlantic Avenue Brooklyn NY 11201

Tel: 718-797-1335 | Fax: 718-797-1368 |

The easiest way to contact us is by filling out the form below.
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We love Designing and Building!


72nd Street
One Brooklyn Bridge
Strong Place
Hicks Street
Old Fulton Street
Rudby Road
State Street
Terrace Place

To mention a few.
(we have alot of ideas)

With an exceptional team, high ambitions and loads of creativity...

...we set out to create something extra-ordinary!

Design Build Enterprises is a full-service construction contracting, construction management, advisory and project management firm focused on luxury residential and commercial real estate projects.